Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Meyer Lemon

Meyer Lemon
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Fingers crossed it will survive! These are apparently fairly hardy and with the right conditions will yield two crops of orangey-lemons (cross between a lemon and mandarin orange).

Patio wall

Patio wall
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Lemon Verbena, Meyer lemon tree, herb wall, and passionfruit vine. One of the sunniest spots in the yard.

Bean & Pea planter

Bean & Pea planter
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Hopefully these will grow up the mesh.

Banana Babies

Banana Babies
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
I think the parent plant is dying. Four new baby plants though!

Aerial tomatoes

Aerial tomatoes
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
8 plants

new veggie beds

new veggie beds
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
I think my next step is to build raised beds. The native soil is too poor and I keep pulling the hose over everything when watering.

Slug fence

Slug fence
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Copper mesh to keep slugs away - so far it is working! Lettuce transplants from the farmer's market, and spinach from seed (finally starting to do okay - planted in February!)


Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Slowly starting to climb its trellis. The neighbours have a huge pair that is taking over their deck and flowering like crazy.

Carrot bucket

Carrot bucket
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Growing them in a bucket means they can be moved, there are fewer pests, and they don't hit rocks which make them bend.


Originally uploaded by kristi_t
On a whim, I thought I'd try growing corn in a container. People have done it, but with much more light than I. It's a long shot, but fun to try anyways.


Originally uploaded by kristi_t
It's really grown up. Now its starting to twine around the arbour.

Little leeks

Little leeks
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
These poor little guys get so little light - I planted them in March or so, and they're only this big. Don't know if I'll have leeks for the winter! I think I'll have to start them indoors, along with most things. Live and learn!


Originally uploaded by kristi_t
The top branch has a fair bit of fruit

Aphid farm

Aphid farm
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Normally I like farmers, but the ants have taken to farming aphids on my raspberries and apple tree. I've banded the apple tree and keep spraying them off with water, but the raspberries are something else. Anyone have any ideas?


Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Still quite small

Shiitake log

Shiitake log
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
I mail-ordered this mushroom-impregnated log from Winnipeg. It's supposed to grow mushrooms, but nothing yet. I think it's too dry.

Mini Cukes

Mini Cukes
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Hopefully they'll all make it!


Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Sweet, if misshapen!


Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Sweet, if misshapen!

Patio shot

Patio shot
Originally uploaded by kristi_t
Gives a general idea of how this area has changed.